Results for 'Emily S. T. Ryall'

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  1.  76
    Shame in sport.Emily S. T. Ryall - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (2):129-146.
    ABSTRACTTo date, there has been little philosophical consideration of the concept of shame in sport, yet sport seems to be an environment conducive to the experience of shame due to its public and...
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    Good games and penalty shoot-outs.Emily Ryall - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):205-213.
    This paper considers the concept of a good game in terms of its relation to the fair testing of relevant skills and their aesthetic values. As such, it will consider what makes football ‘the beautiful game’ and what part penalty shoot-outs play, or should play, within it. It begins by outlining and refuting Kretchmar’s proposal that games which end following the elapsing of a set amount of time, such as football, are structurally, morally and aesthetically inferior to games which end (...)
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  3. Are there any Good Arguments Against Goal-Line Technology?Emily Ryall - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (4):439-450.
    Despite frequent calls by players, managers and fans, FIFA's resistance to the implementation of goal-line technology (GLT) has been well documented in national print and online media as well as FIFA's own website. In 2010, FIFA president Sepp Blatter outlined eight reasons why GLT should not be used in football. The reasons given by FIFA can be broadly separated into three categories; those dealing with the nature and value of the game of football, those related to issues of justice, and (...)
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    Conceptual Problems with Performance Enhancing Technology in Sport.Emily Ryall - 2013 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 73:129-143.
    The majority of – usually moral – problems inherent in elite sport, such as whether athletes should be able to take particular drugs, wear particular clothing, or utilise particular tools, arguably stem from a conceptual one based on faulty logic and competing values. Sport is a human enterprise that represents a multitude of human compulsions, desires and needs; the urge to be competitive, to co-operate, to excel, to develop, to play, to love and be loved, and to find meaning in (...)
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    Being-on-the-bench: An existential analysis of the substitute in sport.Emily Ryall - 2008 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2 (1):56 – 70.
    Being a substitute in sport appears to contradict the rationale behind being involved in that sport, especially in those sports whereby substitutes frequently remain unused or are brought on to the field of play for the final moments of that game. For the coach or manager, substitutes function as a way to improve the team achieving a particular end, namely to win the game; whether to replace an injured or tired player, to change a team’s structure or tactics, to complete (...)
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  6.  34
    Why Teamwork is Not a Virtue: A response to Gaffney.Emily Ryall - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (1):57-62.
    This paper seeks to provide a response to Gaffney's analysis of teamwork by arguing that teamwork is morally neutral rather than a virtue in itself. This conclusion will be supported by examples which demonstrate how teamwork can develop and foster undesirable traits and practices such as resentment, contempt and the purely instrumental use of others in the achievement of desired ends.
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  7.  46
    Agential layering, the absurd and the grind in game-playing.Emily Ryall - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 (3):425-435.
    This paper attempts to provide a reflection on Nguyen’s book, Games: Agency as Art. It demonstrates how games provide new ontological spaces and ways of being by focusing on the concept of a...
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  8.  96
    Is Women’s Sport a Clear Case of Sexual Discrimination?Emily Ryall - 2017 - The Philosophers' Magazine 76:29-34.
  9.  51
    (1 other version)On the relationship between philosophy and game-playing.Yuanfan Huang & Emily Ryall - 2017 - In Wendy Russell, Emily Ryall & Malcolm MacLean, The Philosophy of Play as Life: Towards a Global Ethos of Management. New York: Routledge. pp. 80-93.
    This chapter focuses on the relation between ‘philosophy’ and ‘games’ and argues most of philosophy is a form of game-playing. Two approaches are considered: Wittgenstein’s notion of family resemblance and Suits’ analytic definition of a game. Both approaches support the assertion that the relationship is a close, if not categorical, one but it is the lusory attitude that is the ultimate determinant.
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    What do players do in a game? A Habermasian perspective.Xiaolin Zhang, Emily Ryall & Andrew Edgar - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (3):311-328.
    By adopting Habermas’ communicative theory, this paper categorizes players’ actions into four elements. The strategic action involves players manipulating each other within the framework of a gameFootnote1; normative action is manifested in following the rules and the underlying ethos; dramaturgical action emerges through the players’ deliberate presentation of themselves to both participants and spectators; and communicative action reveals the purpose of a game as a way of being. The conceptualization of game actions leads to a qualitative redefinition of the perfect (...)
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    Leaving It There? The Hutchins Commission and Modern American Journalism.Emily T. Metzgar & Bill W. Hornaday - 2013 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 28 (4):255-270.
    Using the recommendations of the Commission on Freedom of the Press, we ask today's media consumers how they rate the performance of modern American journalism. We employ original survey data collected from journalism students at a major Midwest university, framing our findings in the context of the commission's 1947 recommendations. The result is presentation of contemporary opinions about the performance of American media in the context of journalism ideals articulated more than 60 years ago.
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  12.  9
    A Copernican Critique of Kantian Idealism.J. T. W. Ryall - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book offers a comprehensive critique of the Kantian principle that 'objects conform to our cognition' from the perspective of a Copernican world-view which stands diametrically opposed to Kant's because founded on the principle that our cognition conforms to objects. Concerning both Kant's ontological denial in respect of space and time and his equivalence thesis in respect of 'experience' and 'objectivity', Ryall argues that Kant's transcendental idealism signally fails to account for the one thing that is essential for Copernicus (...)
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  13.  10
    “A Raw Blessing” – Caregivers’ Experiences Providing Care to Persons Living with Dementia in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Emily A. Largent, Andrew Peterson, Kristin Harkins, Cameron Coykendall, Melanie Kleid, Maramawit Abera, Shana D. Stites, Jason Karlawish & Justin T. Clapp - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):626-640.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for people living with dementia (PLWD) and their caregivers. While prior research has documented these effects, it has not delved into their specific causes or how they are modified by contextual variation in caregiving circumstances.
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    Reading Kafka Enactively.Emily T. Troscianko - 2014 - Paragraph 37 (1):15-31.
    I argue that understanding cognition as enactive — that is, as constituted of physical interaction between embodied minds and the environment — can illuminate the opening of Kafka's novel Der Proceß, revealing it as cognitively realistic in this respect. I show how enactivism is relevant to this passage in several ways: in terms of enactive vision and imagination, enactive language, and enactive emotion. I also suggest that these cognitively realistic features might result in ambivalent reactions on the reader's part.
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    L’extraterrestre, le scientifique et l’autrice de science-fiction.T. E., Roland Lehoucq & Émilie Querbalec - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):207-212.
    « Mais pourquoi diable les humains, sur leur petite planète bleue, s’intéressent-ils à ce point à moi, qui ne suis qu’un extraterrestre? » : telle est la question que pose un E. T. parmi tant d’autres, depuis l’espace intersidéral, à une autrice de science-fiction qui a transformé ce genre littéraire qu’est le space opéra et à un astrophysicien qui est aussi le président du plus grand festival de sciences et de science-fiction en France : les Utopiales à Nantes.
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  16. What Social Construction Isn’t.Emilie Pagano - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1651-1670.
    Just as contemporary metaphysics, in general, is marked by an interest in ground, contemporary social metaphysics, in particular, is marked by an interest in social construction. It’s no surprise, then, that some contemporary metaphysicians have come to understand social construction in terms of ground. In this paper, I argue that this is a mistake. In particular, I argue that any otherwise plausible account of construction as ground is objectionably revisionary. First, I discuss an argument for the view that construction is (...)
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  17. Don't Eat the Daisies: Disinterestedness and the Situated Aesthetic.Emily Brady - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (1):97-114.
    In debates about nature conservation, aesthetic appreciation is typically understood in terms of valuing nature as an amenity, something that we value for the pleasure it provides. In this paper I argue that this position, what I call the hedonistic model, rests on a misunderstanding of aesthetic appreciation. To support this claim I put forward an alternative model based on disinterestedness, and I defend disinterestedness against mistaken interpretations of it. Properly understood, disinterestedness defines a standpoint which precludes self-interest and utility, (...)
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    Case for Rage: Why Anger is Essential to Anti-Racist Struggle.Emily Mcrae - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (4):1054-1057.
    In The Case for Rage, Myisha Cherry makes the case for a specific kind of rage, a qualified anger at racial injustice that she calls Lordean rage. Drawing on Audre Lorde's classic essay ‘The Uses of Anger’, Cherry develops the concept of Lordean rage as a productive, liberatory anger and defends it from a variety of objections, ranging from neo-Stoic concerns about anger's capacity for destruction to contemporary worries about the misuse of anger by white allies. The brilliance of the (...)
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  19. Kant on the method of mathematics.Emily Carson - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):629-652.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kant on the Method of MathematicsEmily Carson1. INTRODUCTIONThis paper will touch on three very general but closely related questions about Kant’s philosophy. First, on the role of mathematics as a paradigm of knowledge in the development of Kant’s Critical philosophy; second, on the nature of Kant’s opposition to his Leibnizean predecessors and its role in the development of the Critical philosophy; and finally, on the specific role of intuition (...)
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  20. A "purist" feminist epistemology?Emily Tilton - 2023 - Dissertation, University of British Columbia
    An intuitive conception of objectivity involves an ideal of neutrality—if we’re to engage in objective inquiry, we must try to sideline our prejudices, values, and politics, lest these factors taint inquiry and unduly influence our results. This intuition underlies various “purist” epistemological frameworks, which grant epistemic significance only to “epistemic factors” like evidence or the truth of a belief. Feminist epistemologists typically condemn purist frameworks as inimical to feminist aims. They argue that purist epistemology is divorced from the ineliminably social (...)
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    Why Aristotle Can’t Do without Intelligible Matter.Emily Katz - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy Today 5 (2):123-155.
    I argue that intelligible matter, for Aristotle, is what makes mathematical objects quantities and divisible in their characteristic way. On this view, the intelligible matter of a magnitude is a sensible object just insofar as it has dimensional continuity, while that of a number is a plurality just insofar as it consists of indivisibles that measure it. This interpretation takes seriously Aristotle's claim that intelligible matter is the matter of mathematicals generally – not just of geometricals. I also show that (...)
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  22.  38
    When the law makes doors slightly open: ethical dilemmas among abortion service providers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Emily McLean, Dawit Nima Desalegn, Astrid Blystad & Ingrid Miljeteig - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-10.
    In 2005, Ethiopia changed its abortion law to curb its high maternal mortality. This has led to a considerable reduction in deaths from unsafe abortions. Abortion is now legal if the woman’s pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, if her health is endangered, if the fetus has a serious deformity, if she suffers from a physical or mental deficiency, or if she is under 18 years of age. The word of the woman, if in compliance with the law, (...)
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  23.  77
    Translating the ICAP Theory of Cognitive Engagement Into Practice.Michelene T. H. Chi, Joshua Adams, Emily B. Bogusch, Christiana Bruchok, Seokmin Kang, Matthew Lancaster, Roy Levy, Na Li, Katherine L. McEldoon, Glenda S. Stump, Ruth Wylie, Dongchen Xu & David L. Yaghmourian - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):1777-1832.
    ICAP is a theory of active learning that differentiates students’ engagement based on their behaviors. ICAP postulates that Interactive engagement, demonstrated by co‐generative collaborative behaviors, is superior for learning to Constructive engagement, indicated by generative behaviors. Both kinds of engagement exceed the benefits of Active or Passive engagement, marked by manipulative and attentive behaviors, respectively. This paper discusses a 5‐year project that attempted to translate ICAP into a theory of instruction using five successive measures: (a) teachers’ understanding of ICAP after (...)
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    Good Girls Don't, but Boys Don't Either.Emily Langan - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff, Kristie Miller & Marlene Clark, Dating ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 19–36.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Flirting and Courtship Conservative Ideology Power Dynamics and Relationships Exploring the Views of Conservative Men Timing and Reciprocity Themes of Contradiction Conclusion.
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    Surprised by Disability.Emily K. Michael - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):207-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Surprised by DisabilityEmily K. MichaelToday I am meeting Diana, one of my young blind students, for coffee. Soon she will enroll in our summer program that teaches blind teenagers independent living skills and self–advocacy. Her teachers explain that she has prepared questions for me.“So,” Diana begins, as we follow the uneven sidewalk toward the restaurant. “What would you do if you wanted to go outside without your sunglasses?”I can (...)
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  26. Inheriting the Law: The Birth of Sexual Difference.Emily Zakin - 1997 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    This dissertation develops a psychoanalytic model of ideology which accounts for the formation of sexual difference. I attempt to distinguish both the origin of sexually differentiated identity and the necessity of a political force at work in founding that origin. With Lacan, I locate the origin in the subjects's psychical accession to the Law of the Father, an accession that is linked to the individual establishment of a relation to the phallus as transcendental signifier. I advance a critique of Lacan (...)
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  27.  27
    Outstanding Issues with Robert Russell's Nioda Concerning Quantum Biology and Theistic Evolution.Emily Qureshi-Hurst & Christopher T. Bennett - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):75-95.
    Non‐Interventionist Objective Divine Action (NIODA), introduced by Robert John Russell, is a model of divine action drawing upon insights from quantum mechanics. It presents an intriguing and significant challenge to classical conceptions of divine action with far‐reaching consequences. When applying NIODA to theistic evolution, however, significant questions emerge that require attention. We identify and assess two sets of concerns. The first relates to quantum physics, particularly whether and how quantum occurrences influence mutations and evolution. We argue that the current empirical (...)
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    Beyond Discipline: On the Status of Bodily Difference in Philosophy.Emily Anne Parker - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (2):222-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Beyond DisciplineOn the Status of Bodily Difference in PhilosophyEmily Anne ParkerMuch deserved attention has recently been directed to the fact that philosophy faculty are surprisingly homogeneous when compared to faculty in other fields, not only in the humanities and social sciences but also in the natural sciences (Alcoff 2011, 7–8). Perhaps it is as a result of this bodily homogeneity that sexual harassment and sexual assault in philosophy departments (...)
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  29.  19
    Standing Up.Emily Quinn - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):109-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Standing UpEmily QuinnA 10–year old and her mother walk into a male gynecologist’s office. That sounds like the beginning of a sick joke, right? Imagine how it must have felt to actually be that 10–year–old. I walked into the Salt Lake City ob–gyn office, terrified out of my mind. It was the year 1999 and due to the recent accessibility of the Internet, there was a surprising amount of (...)
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  30. Be a Professional: Attend to the Insects.Emily Sandall & Bob Fischer - 2019 - American Entomologist 3 (65):176-179.
    What kinds of ethical considerations, if any, are relevant to research, management, or conservation efforts involving insects? What limits might be appropriate for those actions? These are questions we ask as members of a profession—one that’s devoted to the study of certain organisms. We probably won’t make any progress as a discipline by beginning the way philosophers generally do: namely, by trying to assess whether insects have intrinsic value; that is, whether they have value even when we don’t value them. (...)
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  31.  83
    Thought, Choice, and Other Causes in Aristotle’s Account of Luck.Emily Kress - 2021 - Apeiron 54 (4):615-648.
    In Physics 2.4–6, Aristotle offers an account of things that happen “by luck” and “spontaneously”. Many of these things are what we might think of as “lucky breaks”: cases where things go well for us, even though we don’t expect them to. In Physics 2.5, Aristotle illustrates this idea with the case of a man who goes to the market for some reason unrelated to collecting a debt he is owed. While he is there, this man just so happens to (...)
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    Peter Singer Et la Libération Animale: Quarante Ans Plus Tard.Dardenne Emilie, Giroux Valéry & Utria Enrique - 2017 - Rennes, France: Presses universitaires de Rennes.
    Dans son ouvrage La libération animale, Peter Singer développe trois grandes idées : le principe d'égale considération des intérêts, le rejet du spécisme et la nécessité de mettre un terme à certains types d'exploitation des animaux, notamment ceux qui ont trait à la recherche et à l'élevage industriel. Cette oeuvre phare a connu un retentissement immense, à tel point que sa publication, en 1975, a été présentée comme le moment clef dans l'émergence du mouvement éponyme. Cependant, le mouvement de libération (...)
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    Do We Have any Viable Solution to the Measurement Problem?Emily Adlam - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (2):1-32.
    Wallace has recently argued that a number of popular approaches to the measurement problem can’t be fully extended to relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theory; Wallace thus contends that as things currently stand, only the unitary-only approaches to the measurement problem are viable. However, the unitary-only approaches face serious epistemic problems which may threaten their viability as solutions, and thus we consider that it remains an urgent outstanding problem to find a viable solution to the measurement problem which can (...)
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    Case Report of Dual-Site Neurostimulation and Chronic Recording of Cortico-Striatal Circuitry in a Patient With Treatment Refractory Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.Sarah T. Olsen, Ishita Basu, Mustafa Taha Bilge, Anish Kanabar, Matthew J. Boggess, Alexander P. Rockhill, Aishwarya K. Gosai, Emily Hahn, Noam Peled, Michaela Ennis, Ilana Shiff, Katherine Fairbank-Haynes, Joshua D. Salvi, Cristina Cusin, Thilo Deckersbach, Ziv Williams, Justin T. Baker, Darin D. Dougherty & Alik S. Widge - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  35.  40
    Human progress by human effort: neo-Darwinism, social heredity, and the professionalization of the American social sciences, 1889–1925.Emilie J. Raymer - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (4):63.
    Prior to August Weismann’s 1889 germ-plasm theory, social reformers believed that humans could inherit the effects of a salubrious environment and, by passing environmentally-induced modifications to their offspring, achieve continuous progress. Weismann’s theory disrupted this logic and caused many to fear that they had little control over human development. As numerous historians have observed, this contributed to the birth of the eugenics movement. However, through an examination of the work of social scientists Lester Frank Ward, Richard T. Ely, Amos Griswold (...)
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    On "The Body" and the Human-Ecology Distinction: Reading Frantz Fanon after Bruno Latour.Emily Anne Parker - 2018 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 8 (2):59-84.
    In this essay I argue that the concept of “the body,” ironically generic and a-bodily, is a legacy of the modern political/ecological distinction. I proceed through five sections. First I suggest that the political and the ecological, in spite of a lot of excellent work undermining the nature-culture distinction, remain mutually resistant concepts. In section two I argue that this split can be partially understood through the work of Bruno Latour. For Latour modernity is defined by an attempt to purge (...)
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    Review of Carol E. Cleland’s The Quest for a Universal Theory of Life: Searching for Life as We Don’t Know It - Carol E. Cleland, The Quest for a Universal Theory of Life: Searching for Life as We Don’t Know It. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2019), 258 pp., $79.99 (hardcover). [REVIEW]Emily C. Parke - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (4):872-875.
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  38. Poincaré’s Philosophy. [REVIEW]Emily Carson - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (4):579-582.
    This is a book of wide-ranging scope, as the title suggests. First, it canvasses a broad selection of topics—from electromagnetism and quantum mechanics to Husserl’s phenomological constitution of logic, from Russell and Wittgenstein to Hartry Field. Second, its aims are broad. The author describes the book both as a “rational reconstruction of Poincaré’s position” and as a “treatise on modern epistemology”. The former description is somewhat misleading in that, together with Zahar’s stated aim of both “clarifying and of then reconciling (...)
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    Co-production and Managing Uncertainty in Health Research Regulation: A Delphi Study.Isabel Fletcher, Stanislav Birko, Edward S. Dove, Graeme T. Laurie, Catriona McMillan, Emily Postan, Nayha Sethi & Annie Sorbie - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (2):99-120.
    European and international regulation of human health research is typified by a morass of interconnecting laws, diverse and divergent ethical frameworks, and national and transnational standards. There is also a tendency for legislators to regulate in silos—that is, in discrete fields of scientific activity without due regard to the need to make new knowledge as generalisable as possible. There are myriad challenges for the stakeholders—researchers and regulators alike—who attempt to navigate these landscapes. This Delphi study was undertaken in order to (...)
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    Non-adherence to psychiatric medication in adults experiencing homelessness is associated with incurred concussions.Neal Rangu, Sumer G. Frank-Pearce, Adam C. Alexander, Emily T. Hébert, Chaelin Ra, Darla E. Kendzor & Michael S. Businelle - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This study investigated the relationship between concussions and medication adherence among 247 adults experiencing homelessness in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, who were prescribed medication for a psychiatric disorder. Participants were asked whether they had “ever experienced a blow to the head that caused a concussion,” and medication adherence was measured by asking participants whether they had taken their psychiatric medication yesterday. The data were analyzed using univariate and multivariable logistic regressions. Results showed that more than half of the sample had a (...)
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    “Safer to plant corn and beans”? Navigating the challenges and opportunities of agricultural diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt.Rebecca Traldi, Lauren Asprooth, Emily M. Usher, Kristin Floress, J. Gordon Arbuckle, Megan Baskerville, Sarah P. Church, Ken Genskow, Seth Harden, Elizabeth T. Maynard, Aaron William Thompson, Ariana P. Torres & Linda S. Prokopy - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1687-1706.
    Agricultural diversification in the Midwestern Corn Belt has the potential to improve socioeconomic and environmental outcomes by buffering farmers from environmental and economic shocks and improving soil, water, and air quality. However, complex barriers related to agricultural markets, individual behavior, social norms, and government policy constrain diversification in this region. This study examines farmer perspectives regarding the challenges and opportunities for both corn and soybean production and agricultural diversification strategies. We analyze data from 20 focus groups with 100 participants conducted (...)
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    Oxford Guide to Imagery in Cognitive Therapy.Ann Hackmann, James Bennett-Levy & Emily A. Holmes (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Imagery is one of the new, exciting frontiers in cognitive therapy. From the outset of cognitive therapy, its founder Dr. Aaron T. Beck recognised the importance of imagery in the understanding and treatment of patient's problems. However, despite Beck's prescience, clinical research on imagery, and the integration of imagery interventions into clinical practice, developed slowly. It is only in the past 10 years that most writing and research on imagery in cognitive therapy has been conducted. The Oxford Guide to Imagery (...)
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    Journeys, Not Destinations: Theorizing a Process View of Supply Chain Integrity.Matthew A. Douglas, Diane A. Mollenkopf, Vincent E. Castillo, John E. Bell & Emily C. Dickey - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (1):195-220.
    AbstractIntegrity is considered an important corporate value. Yet recent global events have highlighted the challenges firms face at living up to their stated values, especially when extended supply chain partners are involved. The concept of Supply Chain Integrity (SCI) can help firms shift focus beyond internal corporate integrity, toward supply chain integrity. Researchers and managers will benefit from an understanding of the SCI concept toward implementing SCI to better align supply chain partners with stated corporate values. This research fully develops (...)
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    Evaluación de satisfacción de los estudiantes sobre las clases virtuales.Isaac Bautista, Giulianna Carrera, Emily León & Daniel Laverde - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):5-12.
    Las clases virtuales son una modalidad de estudio a distancia que ha sido aplicadas por más de 10 años. Son utilizadas principalmente en universidades para abarcar las necesidades de sus estudiantes que no pueden acceder al sistema presencial. Al encontrarnos en una emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19, la aplicación de las clases virtuales alrededor del mundo se volvió una obligación para precautelar la vida de los estudiantes. Es por esto que la población universitaria tuvo que adaptarse a nuevas condiciones de (...)
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    An Essential Hospice Experience Course for Preclinical Students.Emily S. Beckman & Chad Childers - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (4):632-643.
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  46. Emily Thomas, The Meaning of Travel. [REVIEW]Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3):655-658.
    A philosopher's inquiry on travel may take different paths. Emily Thomas follows several in The Meaning of Travel, where she uncovers novel philosophical debates such as the ontology of maps or the ethics of ‘doom tourism’. Perhaps unexpectedly for the reader, Thomas also offers accessible and engaging discussions on—mostly Early—Modern philosophy by connecting travel-related topics to the work of some well-known authors (René Descartes and Francis Bacon), some unjustly neglected ones (Margaret Cavendish) and some known mostly to specialists (Henry (...)
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    ‘Playing sport playfully’: on the playful attitude in sport.Emily Ryall & Lukáš Mareš - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 (2):293-306.
    ABSTRACT There has been extensive debate among various disciplines about the nature and value of play. From these discussions it seems clear that play is a phenomenon with more than just one dimension: as a specific type of activity, as a form or structure, as an ontologically distinctive phenomenon, as a type of experience, or as a stance or an attitude towards a particular activity. This article focuses on the importance of the playful attitude in sport. It begins by attempting (...)
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  48.  45
    The philosophy of play.Emily Ryall (ed.) - 2013 - Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    Play is a vital component of the social life and well-being of both children and adults. This book examines the concept of play and considers a variety of the related philosophical issues. It also includes meta-analyses from a range of philosophers and theorists, as well as an exploration of some key applied ethical considerations. The main objective of The Philosophy of Play is to provide a richer understanding of the concept and nature of play and its relation to human life (...)
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  49.  59
    Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race.Emily S. Lee (ed.) - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Philosophers consider race and racism from the perspective of lived, bodily experience._.
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    3 Playing with words.Emily Ryall - 2013 - In The philosophy of play. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 44.
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